Chasing Sunshine: Why Optimism Matters For Startups
Hey there! So have you ever heard the saying “when life gives you lemons, make some lemonade”? A classic proverb that encourages us to keep up our chins no matter the circumstance, right? And of course, it makes a lot of sense to keep the faith in our daily lives. But did you know that being an optimist can have a major impact on the success of your startup?
As a startup founder, you will be faced with multiple challenges and obstacles on your journey. Indeed, they can seem overwhelming at times. However, with the right attitude and approach, these obstacles can be overcome and even turned into opportunities. In this blog, we’re going to take a closer look at why optimism is such an important quality for entrepreneurs. We’ll talk about how it can have an outsized impact on the overall success of your business. And, of course, we’ll look at some inspiring examples from the startup world that show just how powerful a positive outlook can be.
But first let’s go back a couple of centuries to Europe, where Napolean Bonaparte was honing his skills as a strategist and a leader or men.
Napolean had an interesting way of selecting his top generals. He would of course look for signs of courage and calm under fire. But what he really focused on was how lucky they had been. His reasoning: lucky generals tend to win wars. People who believe that they’re lucky tend to be optimists, outline bold goals, prepare for opportunities and the challenges. As a result, they tend to be lucky again and again. Because they visualize and prepare for a positive outcome, they usually achieve it.
It’s kind of the same when it comes to leading startups or any leadership role for that matter.
An optimistic outlook helps you solve problems and forge a path forward. Optimistic people are more likely to invest, act and put effort into achieving whatever it is that they want to get done. In the end, optimists always win.
To be clear, optimism does not mean delusional. It does not mean making rosy predictions about your startup even when signs point to serious challenges. Rather it’s about embracing those challenges with an ‘up-and-at-em’ attitude.
Optimism Fosters Resilience
One of the key traits of all great leaders is having a resilient attitude. This means being open to change and new ideas, showing bravery in the face of challenges, and treating every adversity as a learning opportunity.
Optimism + Resilience = Possibilities
When you approach challenges with an optimistic attitude, you open yourself up to new possibilities and see setbacks as temporary and surmountable.
Remember, startups at first are really exciting — getting funded, hiring a team, making your first product release etc. Then it gets boring for a long time — grinding through customer feedback, fixing various chinks in the product. Then it gets really hard for a long time — slow product uptake, employees leaving you. And then it again starts getting exciting.
As a founder or product leader, you have to get through it all and not give when so many others do. Be bold. Be optimistic.
Fostering Creativity And Innovation
An optimistic outlook enables startup founders to think big, take risks and come up with innovative solutions. An oft quoted example is that of Jeff Bezos.
Before starting Amazon, Bezos was already extremely successful by any yardstick. He was the youngest ever senior VP at an investment bank, making an estimated six-figure salary and was destined to rise further. And then, one fine day, passionate about the newly emerging World Wide Web, Bezos walked out of a cushy job and founded Amazon. While the ‘Everything Store’ today is valued at more than $1T, the success of his venture was far from given in the 90s. Infact analysts predicted that Amazon would be unable to service its debt by 2001. But because he was so optimistic about the value proposition, Bezos was eventually able to turn it into a roaring success.
But I am very optimistic. I’m generally a very happy person. My wife says, “If Jeff is unhappy, wait three minutes.”
Jeff Bezos
Importance Of Optimism In Team Building & Customer Relationships
An optimistic leader can significantly impact the culture of the startup. Their optimism rubs off on their co-workers and sets the tone for a positive and motivated team. Result being improved productivity, better teamwork, potentially higher revenue.
An optimistic founder can also forge strong and meaningful relationships with customers. They can better empathize with their customers, understand their pain points and offer personalized solutions that exceed customer expectations. Paving the way for long term success.
Optimism Attracts Customers
Chasing sunshine can help your startup reach new heights. So, embrace optimism and unleash your startup’s potential!
Originally published at